hoi polloi是什么意思 hoi polloi在线中文翻译

hoi polloi

hoi polloi 双语例句

  1. According to the subject, his vocals are arranged into compose music, incidental music and incidental folk songs. Withal, the compose music is classified again into new type music, enfant education songs, hoi polloi education songs, domesticity songs, school anthem and social realistic songs.
  2. I did not determine whether tabard choices would be unique or not, but I assume they will be, since they are meant to distinguish the guild`s members from the assorted hoi polloi.
  3. Monstrously inflated costs are designed to keep the hoi polloi at bay.
  4. Others are highly successful in non-pop genres but are remembered by the public for the one that appealed to the hoi polloi.
  5. It is not just written by the hoi polloi, it is peer-reviewed by them too.
  6. The sites essentially MySpace for millionaires promise safe havens for the affluent where they can flirt, swap advice, plan parties and find new pals without mixing with hoi polloi.
  7. The realization of Confucian political ideal must depend on political authority and don't deny existent absolute monarchy, on the contrary, Confucianists think that absolute monarchy nourish taking care of hoi polloi'survival and order.

hoi polloi 单语例句

  1. In China, no VIP would debase himself by sitting with the hoi polloi.
  2. Another step is to make the Chinese Government with unimpeded access by the hoi polloi.
  3. But we must address the genuine fears of the Hong Kong's hoi polloi.

hoi polloi [ˌhɔɪ pəˈlɔɪ]

n. 寻常百姓;草民;乌合之众
[网络] 民众;庶民;普通老百姓
hoi polloi