fulani是什么意思 fulani在线中文翻译

Fulani 英 [ˈfu:lɑ:ni] 美 [ˈfuˌlɑni, fuˈlɑ-]

Fulani 双语例句

  1. Residents in the village of Dogo Nahawa say Fulani herdsmen raided their village before dawn, shooting in the air to draw people out of their homes before attacking them with machetes and knives.
    Dogo Nahawa村的居民表示,富拉尼牧民在黎明之前袭击了他们的村庄,向空中鸣枪,将人们感触家门,然后用砍刀和匕首袭击他们。
  2. The presidential candidate of the New Alliance Party, an articulate, angry woman named Lenora Fulani, did what she could to help them, bringing her supporters to a health-care event I held in a Harlem hospital and shouting down my speech.
  3. Key African philosophers include the Fulani Usman Dan Fodio, founder of the Sokoto Caliphate of Northern Nigeria and Umar Tall of Senegal; both were prolific Islamic scholars.
  4. Ethnic composition: Wolof-36%, Fulani-17%, Serer-17%, Toucouleur-9%, Diola-9%, Mandingo-9%, European and Lebanese-1%, other-2%.
    民 族:沃洛夫族占36%,富拉尼族占17%,谢列尔族占17%,图库列尔族占9%,曼丁哥族占9%,迪乌拉族占9%,欧洲人和黎巴嫩人占1%,其他占2%。

Fulani 单语例句

  1. The chairman of the local Fulani organization denied that his people were involved in the violence.

Fulani ['fu:lɑ:ni]

n a member of a pastoral and nomadic people of western Africa; they are traditionally cattle herders of Muslim faith
n a family of languages of the Fulani of West Africa and used as a lingua franca in the sub-Saharan regions from Senegal to Chad; the best known of the West African languages