files classes是什么意思 files classes在线中文翻译

files classes

files classes 双语例句

  1. You may have a large number of remoted classes and wish to keep the definitions in separate files.
  2. Based on a vector-oriented drawing layer using libart and freetype2, it provides a widget layer with subject/view separation, forms loaded from XML files, live updates to the GUI, Unicode support, abstract manipulator classes, and a lot more.
    它基于一个面向向量的、使用libart 和 freetype2的绘制层,提供了一个窗口部件层,可以支持主题/视图的分离,从XML文件装载窗体,实时更新GUI,支持Unicode,抽象操纵器类,等等。
  3. Compiled code objects; functions and classes record just their names in pickles, to allow for later reimport and automatic acquisition of changes made in module files.
  4. Remember to always clear the cache when you add some classes or when you change some configuration files to see the result in the production environment.
  5. It cannot read config files or automatically find components; external helper classes are used for that.
  6. A typical Java web application includes classes like Data Access Object (DAO), XML to Java mapping files, Spring, Log4J configuration files which are all good candidates for auto-generation.
  7. To establish system of presenting foreign teacher's classes, check periodically teaching files and assessment of homework, teaching attitude and result and write written material.
  8. According to foundation and steps of the Integrated management system, to relate the Integrated management system documentary classes, content and authorized requires, to put forward the Integrated management system'management handbook, the compatibility of program files and requires.
  9. In that case we might opt to package our handler classes in a JAR file rather than dumping them as loose files into the class directory.
  10. Version 8.5 supports both forward and reverse engineering of Hibernate code, and it will generate and read the appropriate annotated Java classes and Hibernate configuration files.
  11. Additionally, classes are provided to create new spooled files on the system, and to generate SCS printer data streams.
  12. Created at installation time, these files store an internal representation of the system classes.
  13. Once this is done for all the use cases, we analyze the Implementation Model of the code to check if some logical grouping of the classes (files) already exists in the code.
  14. Many Eclipse samples show the content and label provider classes as subclasses in the dialogs class, but we prefer them to be extracted into their own files.
  15. After all the classes are implemented, you should have the following folders and files under the src folder for the project in Eclipse (Figure 2).
  16. This class loader loads the core system classes from the boot classpath, which is normally the JAR files located in the jre/lib directory.
  17. Like with classes, this structure is populated as you type (without requiring a save in the editor) and can also be seen by expanding source files in the package explorer.
  18. The forms of assessment include records of activities in or out of classes, studying files, interviews, and symposiums.
  19. The Record-level access classes create, read, update, and delete IBM I files and members.
  20. O path & Sets the target directory for output classes and files (defaults to working directory)

files classes

files classes