copying book是什么意思 copying book在线中文翻译

copying book

copying book 双语例句

  1. In order to insure the content was detailed and true, this book adopted some ways of copying, clipping etc, and widely quoted many historical data, such as corpus, memoir, biography, unofficial history, note and chorography and so on.
  2. DK出版之《中世纪》中图案说明原文:Wax copy book Monks spent a lot of time copying out prayers and psalms by hand.
  3. That is memorizing or copying from the book and using exactly Hemingway's words.
    R:这就是plagiarism 剽窃,也就是完全从书中抄袭,像海明威这样的名人的语句,或者我完全抄袭Elyn的话。
  4. In the absence of disruption, Taoist, the Ma spent a lot of time copying by the book with a brush.
  5. In the base, from time to time to see these scenarios: lone in the sea of books looking forward slowly, quietly reading a number of paper-books, enjoying the contents of the book, sometimes copying and sometimes surgeon improvisation.
  6. First, the abbey and other capability mechanism supervise the monks by the specific circumstances as space, Bible, body, book copying, all the said evil things sprang in the abbey over the years. The sermon of the abbey controlled the spirit and the body of the monks.
  7. Say you're compiling a manuscript, a book that has the different Gospels, and you decide, I'm going to put this on the back fly leaf of this book that I'm copying.
  8. Literacy spread across the globe when it became possible to produce infinite copies of the same book, rather than laboriously copying manuscripts for the few.
  9. There are two obvious options: get tough and defend intellectual property rights with every legal and technological trick in the book, or tolerate some illegal copying in the hope of generating buzz and making money in some other way.
  10. He took the book, to Paul's immense chagrin, and began the copying himself.
  11. The book argues that as life gets more complicated, with more people and more choices, everyone does more copying.
  12. Invoice copying Book We could have got in for nothing nobody was collecting tickets.
  13. While we are prepared to accept that some Chinese companies have innovated to a significant extent, we are less ready to believe that this means that the longstanding habit of copying is dead, as the title of the book suggests.
  14. Dynic machine doesn't look like a ring binder, it looks a lot like an Office Copier do and is as simple as copying machines, you can bookbiding 5.85 x 8.25 inches to 8.2 x 12.1-inch book.
  15. This is like someone painstakingly copying a very large book, word for word onto blank sheets.
  16. No copying, no printing, and don't you dare try to listen to this book!
  17. Copying offline address book browse file.

copying book

copying book


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