bool是什么意思 bool在线中文翻译


BOOL 词典解释

形容词[计]= BOOLean,布尔符号

BOOL 网络解释

  1. 布尔类型
    ...[引申的]字符类型(char)、布尔类型(bool)、空类型(void)[构造的]指针类型、数组类型、结构体类型(struct)、共用体类型(union)、枚举类型(enum)、类类型(class)关键字 字节(byte) 范围关键字 字节(byte) 大致范围布尔类型数据取值...
  2. 布尔型
  3. 变量类型
    ...bool:变量类型 | break:跳出循环 | case:选择...

BOOL 双语例句

  1. Thus, if you increment a bool whose value is false, you add 1 to zero getting one, which converts back to true.
    因此,如果你递增一个值为 false 的 bool ,你给零加 1 得到一,它将转换回 true 。
  2. In this paper, it is introduced that the manufacture process of the MCAI course ware of the potential energy surface that is possible to simulate the process of a bimolecular reaction by using 3DS MAX animation design technique (Got-up sculpt by lofting, Bool algerbra, Material designing, Animation designing).
    本文介绍了用3DS MAX动画设计技术(放样制作造型、布尔运算、材质设计和动画制作)制作模拟双分子反应过程的位能面MCAI课件的过程。
  3. The bool type is considered to be a member of the integer family of types.
    bool 类型被当作是整型家族类型的一个成员。
  4. Strictly speaking, there is no functional need for the bool type.
    严格来说,没有任何功能需要 bool 类型。
  5. Starting from the beginning, the macro is required due to ncurses handling of the bool type.
  6. Either val is itself a bool or it is a type to which a bool can be converted.
    val 本身是 bool 类型,或者 val 具有可转换为 bool 类型的数据类型。
  7. The bool component of the return type is true if an insert took place.
    如果插入成功,则返回类型的 bool 部分为 true。
  8. When a numeric value is needed for a value of type bool, the bool automatically promotes to int.
    当需要 bool 类型值的数值时,bool 自动提升为 int 。
  9. Bool FixedGetConfigFileName (char* pszName, size_t nBuffSize){ char szConfigFilename; // Read install dir from registry...
    上面的函数使用CharPrev API使pLastChar向后移动一个字符,这个字符可能是两个字节长。
  10. Remember that, since bool s are structs, they are initialized to 0 on array creation.
    记住一点,虽然 bool s 是结构,但是在一组创建时初始化为0。
  11. Parameters have a BOOL variable to true, in the horizontal direction corrupting computation, Otherwise, the vertical direction on erosion.
  12. Backbone: That part of an uncovered book which is fastened together when the bool is bound.
  13. This is very handy for DateTime, enum and bool for null database values.
  14. It would have been better if we instead had a boolean variable called mWalking that kept track of whether or not the robot is moving.
  15. When an arithmetic type is converted to bool, zero converts as false and any other value converts as true.
    将算术类型转换为 bool 型时,零转换为 false ,而其他值则转换为 true 。
  16. A few C++ compilers will issue compile-time warnings about the implicit conversions to bool and perhaps using bool with a relational operator.
    一些C++编译器会对隐式转换为 bool 并可能对 bool 使用关系运算符发出编译时警告。
  17. The example below declares a local variable predicate of a delegate type that takes a Customer and returns bool.
  18. Backbone: That part of an uncovered book which is fasten ed together when the bool is bound.
  19. Reading is good thing, but I must pay more attention to the selection of bool.
  20. I am reading a bool after my own heart.

BOOL [bu:l]

n. <英方>弯曲件