apr是什么意思 apr在线中文翻译

APR 英 [ˌeɪ pi: ˈɑ:(r)]

APR 词典解释

形容词Air profile Recording 大气分布图记录系统

APR 网络解释

  1. 四月
  2. 替换通路再试
    ...approximation 近似 | apr 替换通路再试 | aps 附属处理机系统...
  3. 五月
    ...Mar 四月 | Apr 五月 | May 六月...
  4. abbr. acute phase reactive protein; 急性时相反应蛋白
  5. abbr. annual percentage rate; 年百分率
  6. abbr. airborne profile recorder; 空中断面记录仪
  7. abbr. active prominence region; 活跃日珥;活动日珥

APR 双语例句

  1. This is the one I wrote to the 51 core players APR6008 voice storage drive the bottom ic formula!
  2. If you want the convenience of not having to carry cash, for instance, and a ready record of all your spending - but you don't intend to live beyond your means on plastic, then a good choice for you is a rewards option with a mid-range APR.
  3. The reason for the problems is that the APR generally used to compare products is simply a measure of the cost of the credit, whilst not taking into account other factors such as add ons like payment protection insurance, early repayment penalties, or when the card company actually starts and stops charging interest.
  4. Methods Forty-three cases of thoracolumbar vertebral fracture patients were treated from Apr.1999to Aug.2003.Main injury causes:fall from the high in34cases, traffic accident in6cases and injured by heavy objects in3cas-es. Wounded corpora vertebrae:T 91case, T 101case, T 112cases, T 1213cases, L 115cases, L 25cases, L 34cases, T 11 and L 11case, T 12 and L 11case.
    回顾分析我科1999年4月~2003年8月收治的43例胸腰椎体骨折手术患者临床资料,其中高处坠落伤34例,车祸伤6例,砸伤3例;损伤椎体:T 9 1例,T 10 1例,T 11 2例,T 12 13例,L 1 15例,L 2 5例,L 3 4例,T 11、L 1 双椎体1例,T 12、L 1 双椎体1例。
  5. From Apr to Oct the Maximum principal stress in the shaft is relatively concentrated, maintained above -4.0MPa, which is near the bottom aquifer and the interface with the mantlerock and the bedrock. It is above -7.0 MPa from Jun to Aug.
  6. Methods Medline, EMBASE, Cochrane Controlled Trials Register and China Biological Medicine Disk from Jan 1966 to Apr 2007 were searched for the randomized controlled trials of the routine use of drainage after thyroid and parathyroid surgery.
    方法检索MEDLINE、EMBASE、eoehrane controlled trial register、中国生物医学文献数据库从1966年1月-2007年4月间发表的有关甲状腺和甲状旁腺手术术后常规使用引流的随机对照临床试验。
  7. All those 0 Apr offers are great, but only if you know how to use them properly.
    所有这些0 4月提供的是伟大的,但只有当你知道如何用好。
  8. You should pay attention to the APR on the credit card that you plan to place your balance transfer.
  9. If you already have an APR, you can always try to get it lowered.
  10. It has no annual fees and charges a 0% APR for the first year.
  11. If you know the APR, you can easily compare one loan with another.
  12. No leadership panel discussions, each with a full-time instructor Apr.26th 7:00pm-9:00pm
    无领导小组讨论,每组配备1名专职辅导员 4.26日 19:00-21:00
  13. Abuse of procedural rights (abbr. APR) contains the abuse of procedural rights and the abuse of process.
  14. The APR-5000 XL/XLS improves its ability to manage the narrow lead-free process window without using excessive peak temperatures that may damage components, connectors, adjacent solder joints and the PCB substrate.
    APR-5000 XL/XLS 改进其管理有限无铅工艺窗口的能力,而无须使用可能损坏组件、连接件、相邻焊点和PCB基板的过高峰温。
  15. It means, by which, we specify the input value's length on entry and get the output result's length on exit. In particular, apr_file_read returns the length of read bytes and apr_file_write returns the length of written bytes. Here is a sample code.
  16. The third argument of both is value-result argument. By which, we specify the input buffer's length on entry and get the output result's length on exit. apr_socket_send returns the length of sent bytes. apr_socket_recv returns the length of received bytes.
  17. On DPS05 Take More, And Erase Your Shots – Apr 25, 2010
  18. Enhanced Mercaptan Solubility: Added new interaction parameters for methyl mercaptan, ethyl mercaptan and n-propyl mercaptan in hydrocarbon and aqueous solutions for the Advanced_Peng-Robinson and APR for Natural Gas models.
  19. Holidays (2001): 1 January (New Year's Day), 3 March, Apr.16, 1 May, May 6 (St. Geogre's Day), May 24, Sept.22, Nov.1 (Commemoration of the Leaders of the Bulgarian National Revival), Dec. 24-25.
    节 日:(2001年):新年(1月1日)、国庆日(3月3日)、复活节(4月16日)、劳动节(5月1日)、圣乔治日(5月6日)、教育节(5月24日)、独立日(9月22日)、保加利亚国家复兴领导人纪念日(11月1日)、圣诞节(12月24-25日)。
  20. So if you carry a large monthly card balance, a low APR credit card could be very beneficial for you.

APR 单语例句

  1. Her feelings for Madden were revealed on her MySpace blog on Apr 08, describing the good time she's having.


abbr. 大气分布图记录系统(Air profile Recording);年度成本百分率(Annual Percentage Rate)
n the month following March and preceding May