apical tooth是什么意思 apical tooth在线中文翻译

apical tooth

apical tooth 双语例句

  1. Based on the present histological and previous molecular biological studies, the special structure at the apical end is obviously different from the cervical loop giving rise to Hertwig's epithelial root sheath, in human, mouse and rat molar tooth germs.
  2. Periodontosis is one of middle-aged and elderly people's common diseases, its causes as follows, bacteria infection, damaging periodontosis, tooth damaging periodontosis etc, it can cause the hot toothache of wind, the stomach fire toothache, the empty fire toothache, pulpitis, apical periodontitis, tooth trough abscess, honeycomb inflammation, maxilla or mandibular osteomyelitis, tooth carbuncle, wisdom pericoronitis, noma, So investigating to epidemiology of periodontosis, prevent and cure positive meaning to health and medicine of human oral cavity.
  3. Caries, pulpitis, and apical periodontitis increase health care costs and attendant loss of economic productivity. They ultimately result in premature tooth loss and therefore diminishing the quality of life.
  4. Stem shallowly grooved, densely retrorse puberulent; leaves very broadly ovate to oblate-ovate, apex rounded, margin crenate-serrate, apical tooth acute; corolla reddish purple or white
    茎具浅槽,浓密被微柔毛;卵形,先端圆形的叶宽卵形到扁球形的,边缘具圆齿有锯齿,锐尖的顶端齿;花冠红紫色或白色 71 Isodon latifolius 宽叶香茶菜
  5. In present study, a large animal model, miniature pig was used, and we tested regeneration of periodontal bone defects and tooth root mediated by tooth related stem cells including periodontal ligament stem cells and stem cells from apical papilla.
  6. Shows the pathologic structure of decayed tooth, pulpitis, apical putrescence, paradentitis and apical abscess.
  7. Objective: To evaluate the capability of the apical tissue of rat molar to grow tooth root and periodontal tissue.
  8. Conclusion: Stem cells or dental epithelial progenitor cells might reside in the cervical loop of the apical end of the rat lower incisor. The present study may provide an excellent cell source for study on the differentiation of dental epithelial cells and tooth regeneration.
  9. The discovery would possibly be beneficial to continuous development of the root of young permanent tooth with dental pulp necrosis and apical periodontitis after appropriate treatment.
  10. The effects of unilateral hyper-erupted third molar tooth on apical stress distribution of mandibular teeth by photoelastic analysis
  11. [Objective] To investigate the Metergasis of physiology of mastication after loss of tooth for finding out the relation among sensory nerve, motor nerve of masseter muscle and central nerve around apical ligament.
  12. RESULTS: During tooth root patterning, expression of MSX1 was found not only in dental papilla of the apical area, dental sac and odontoblasts, but also in dental attachment apparatus such as cementoblast, periodontal supporting tissues and alveolar bone.
  13. In the mandible, when the alveolar bone resorption reaches the apical 1/3 of canine (root length 4, 5 mm), if part of the tooth crown was removed, to make an acceptable crown/root ratio, so the canine can be used as the abutment of an overdenture.
    下颌根周牙槽骨吸收至根尖1/3(根长约4~5 mm)的尖牙,在行截冠术和完善的牙体治疗后,如能保持合理的冠根比,即可用做覆盖义齿的基牙。
  14. Developing apical complex is the growth regulating center of tooth root and periodontium development
  15. The magnitude of apical main stress also altered evidently with the change of tooth position and the difference mainly came from asymmetrical occlusion.

apical tooth

apical tooth