angle post是什么意思 angle post在线中文翻译

angle post

angle post 双语例句

  1. Sometimes the tool post sits on a compound tool rest which incorporates a slide that can be set at any angle; thus, conical surfaces may be formed by hand feeding the tool.
  2. The tool itself is held in a tool post which allows setting the tool at an angle.
  3. Meanwhile, the method of dynamic mesh and post-processing system are also full used. Hydrodynamic forces of a rudder at a range of attack angles were calculated, and stall angle, lift and drag force beyond the stall angle are predicted.
  4. Parameters of pre-, post-operation and final follow-up included coronal plane Cobb`s angle, correction rate, pelvic obliquity, apical vertebral rotation, the relationship in distance from the apex to the central sacral vertical line and the vertical from C7 to the CSVL, in sagittal plane thoracic kyphosis angle and lumbar lordosis angle were recorded.
  5. A review of river management history in various countries is used in this thesis to discuss the future development trends of river management and the relationship between river health and river management. Based on the characterization and assessment of river health, Five components of stream condition are presented in this thesis to characterize river health: water quality, aquatic life, physical form, hydrology and streamside zone. It is obtained by comparing the methods and criteria that have been developed by others and reviewing the river assessment practices in various countries. Accounting for the features of urbanization region in plain river network, an indicator system for river health assessment which provides scores for 5 subindices and 17 indicators is established. With almost 200 stream reaches in Shanghai as objective of study and Liwa stream and Zhangjiabang Creek as case study, the application of river health assessment in the planning, baseline survey and post-project appraisal of river management is explored by collecting historical literature and field monitoring. Consequently, some suggestions to improve river management effectiveness are presented from the angle of river health.
  6. The typical form of tactical missile and noses of modern fighter aerocraft are slender bodies. With the requirements of high agility and maneuverability for modern fighter and missiles, it is more common to fly at high angle of attack even beyond post stall. But, the flowfield around the slender body at high angle of attack will became complicated multi-vortices asymmetric and exert a high side force and yaw moment on the body even if the body is axisymmetric and at zero sideslip.
    中文题名细长旋成体绕流流场结构演化的实验研究副题名外文题名 Experimental study of flowfield structure around an ogive-cylinder 论文作者王刚导师邓学蓥学科专业流体力学研究领域研究方向学位级别博士学位授予单位北京航空航天大学学位授予日期2003 论文页码总数121页关键词飞机空气动力学流场结构非对称旋涡流动细长旋成体馆藏号BSLW /2003 /V211.4 /4 飞机机体、火箭、导弹等飞行器的基本形体是细长旋成体。
  7. After obtaining the nasorbital image fitting data as the reference to the simulation and mesiodistal to different angles of the post-core angle.
  8. Sills'shot from a tight angle was tipped round the post by Ross Worner as the Gulls raised their game, with substitute Mustapha Carayol prominent.
  9. I don`t often score, but this time I shot well and it landed between the angle of the bar and post.
  10. Such requirements can be achieved by fighter flying at high angle of attack or even beyond post stall.
  11. The plate of one side simply supported and one angular point supported not only possess simply supported edge, clamped edge, free elevator angle point, but also have angular point of post supported.
  12. The six parameters of single trail alpha wave are computed and analyzed: pre-stimulus amplitude and phase angle, post-stimulus amplitude and latency of first positive and negative peak.
  13. The present paper falls within the scope of three historical phases, Japanese Colonial Period, Post-hostilities Period and contemporary relevance; it takes diachronic Luan-tan Opera audio materials in the same play for the research theme, cuts into the angle with vernacularism, attempts to observe the varieties of language changing while these troupes were trying to fit in the environment.
  14. The results show that river health indicators are reflected in some extent during the process of baseline survey and success criteria setting among the river regulation planning in Shanghai. While there are certain deficiencies in river condition evaluation, setting of management objective and post-evaluation procedure, attention should be paid to the development of river health assessment from the start of rivrer management planning. The river health assessment of Liwa stream reveals that it is in a poor condition. Specific issues include: the alteration of natural hydrological condition, degradation of water quality, loss of biotic integrity, and modification of physical form. Its high time to introduce river health assessment for tracking changes or trends of river condition and selecting effective management strategies. Post-evaluation on the benefits of Zhangjiabang Creek regulation shows that the water quality, aquatic community and riverine vegetation are improved and great ecological and environmental benefits are demonstrated. But from the angle of river health, there are some problems in water quality, physical form and management strategies. Thus, the whole process of river health assessment should be adopted as a new tool to improve the effectiveness of river management.
  15. The variation angle of 90° per second anteflexion and post-extend was 10-25 degree and 25-40 degree.
  16. The strew length of prefixed point was 41.84 mm, the screw angle with panes lateralis was 69.41°, the screw angle with inferior verticular plane of panes lateralis was 22.67°; the length of postfixed point was 42.28 mm, the angle with panes lateralis was 68.45°, the angle with inferior verticular plane of panes lateralis was 20.79°. Of the 60 nails drilled, two were drilled out of the post facies articularis of calcaneous, the accuracy rate was 97.67%.
    其前点螺钉平均长度为41.84 mm,与跟骨外侧面平均呈69.41°、与跟骨外侧面的底垂面平均呈22.67°;后点螺钉平均长度为42.28 mm,与跟骨外侧面平均呈68.45°、与跟骨外侧面的底垂面平均呈20.79°;30足60枚钢针有2枚钻出跟骨后关节面,钻人安全率为97.67%。
  17. With the requirements of high agility and maneuverability for modern fighter and missiles, it is more common to fly at high angle of attack even beyond post stall.
  18. To enhance the agility and maneuverability of the aircraft, more often to require the fighter aircraft flying at high angle of attack or even beyond post stall. So more challenges were put forward to the aerodynamics, and the problems of asymmetric vortices flow and its aerodynamics over slender bodies at high angle of attack again become an attention-getting and study hotspot.
  19. Other parameter such as the angle of initiative flections, blood loss at 6 h post operation, the concentration of serum hemoglobin at 24 h, 48 h and side effect were recorded. The VAS pain scores during test had no significant difference between two groups.
    记录术后6 h、12 h、24 h、48 h静息状态和术后24 h、48 h持续被动运动训练时VAS疼痛评分;观测术后12 h、24 h患肢主动关节屈曲角度;记录术后6 h储血罐内的引流量及术前、术后24 h、48 h血红蛋白浓度及副作用的发生率。
  20. Near post 47km there is a high dip angle fault stretching from the lower part of the upper crust to the top of the crust_mantle transitional zone. This strike_slip fault has a direct bearing on the occurrence of the Jiashi strong earthquake swarm and is an inferred causative fault for the swarm (1997) according to this study.

angle post

angle post


corner: 多指物体的棱角或房间、街道的角落。
angle: 几何学上的用词,指两条直线相交而成的角。也可引申指看问题的方面或角度。

aspect: 着重以特定观点对事物进行观察或考虑。
side: 可与aspect和phase换用,但更着重构成事物全貌的一个或多个方面。
phase: 指可以对事物进行观察或描述或考虑的任何方面。
angle: 专指从某一角度去观察、考虑事物的某个方面。

graduate: 大学毕业生
undergraduate: 大学本科生
post graduate: 研究生

mail: 主要用于美国。
post: 主要用于英国。

position: 侧重指社会地位较高,工作较为庄重,领取工资的职位。
post: 普通用词,指人的职务,职位,岗位。
place: 指任何不分高低贵贱的职位;有时侧重指在政府、法庭所谋求的职位。
situation: 正式用词,一般指雇员或为富有人家工作所担任的职位,现多见于广告中。