advertising cost是什么意思 advertising cost在线中文翻译

advertising cost

advertising cost 双语例句

  1. Nowadays, the advertising expenses and cost of new production are out of proportion.
  2. I have detailed below the most cost effective forms of internet marketing to advertising your business using your website.
  3. Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of the advertising media available is essential to achieve cost effective advertising.
  4. The owner must pay accrue to the media since the release date between the actual cost of advertising.
  5. The mom in A is banned in great quantities recently put advertising of the mom in A on the website, and freeze the advertisement income of the website, its seal station and the account that freeze income very simple, it is data unusual 4 words, the mom in A is Chan Ping the advertisement cost that these 4 words make broad stationmaster trouble the station must come all receives bursa in, because this causes broad stationmaster anger, inquiry of customer service of Xiang Ali of try to be the first's mom seals everybody station reason, what get next is same just data is unusual 4 words, everybody asks the mom in A produces the proof with unusual data, customer service says what this matters to them to detect however technology, offer impossibly to stationmaster, ah, this sounds have some of act shamelessly rather, he Wei data is unusual, the advertisement of the mom in the discharge A of the website over there be to make clear those who having statistic, everybody can see, do this make secret technology?
  6. Marketers go with the trend, combine science and technology of network, internet marketing assumes and already becomes the most modernized outstanding one of industry; Times rising in internet marketing, Marketers besides statically erect websites and improve the exposing rate, send dynamically the advertising document of electron to declare constantly, in order to touch consumer's mentality, it is an important thing among them to use E-mail as advertising marketing, however, these electron advertising letters become very hated spam that was not agreed and enter promptly by force, are not only increase in quantities, wasted network bandwidth, hide rapidly information safety, raising the cost of management, reducing productivity and working efficiency.
  7. We have a general newspaper ads, job fairs and job market to be a quote comparison site advertising: If you advertise in the newspaper or to participate in recruiting talent market will cost anywhere from several hundred dollars to more than one day a few thousand dollars!
  8. Precise visibility measuring of billboard advertising is a key element for the organizers and broadcasters to make cost effective their sport live relay.
  9. Third, CPA (Cost-per-Action): the cost of each operation, that is, each visitor to the Web advertising the action taken charge of the pricing model.
    三、CPA (Cost-per-Action):每次行动的费用,即根据每个访问者对网络广告所采取的行动收费的定价模式。
  10. If mix, photograph of traditional paper intermediary, smooth intermediary is compared, network advertising cost is very low, spends amount can let the propagandist pressure of scene area be reduced greatly certainly.
  11. They mainly consist of sales of advertising fees, unforeseen expenses, the cost generally does not exceed 10%.
  12. The cost of advertising a product is added to its cost to consumers.
  13. Network video advertisement offerred more rich originality to behave a space to ad business, above all, enclothe from the user on look, cpm shows advertisement range but can small, big he enclothes Internet more than 10000 websites and these websites cross 100 million crowds correspondingly, small the; of a certain industry that he can cover a certain area next, the dominant position with Internet the largest ad is alternant sex, than traditional media he can draw the attention of the user more and cause an user to operate; to the alternant sex of the product the 3rd, look from cost, network video advertising is made and put cost on extremely cheap; the 5th, evaluate from the effect on look, TV and planar advertisement can provide the wraparound data such as simple program viewing rate only, and Internet video advertisement can offer all-around data feedback, for advertisement advocate put in evaluate offer data to prop up.
  14. Meanwhile network advertising promotional costs than TV newspapers and the media to promote low-cost more.
  15. Advertising on heavy traffic sites such as Yahoo can cost millions of dollars.
  16. We always give professional advice on the most cost effective and efficient way of advertising to our clients.
  17. This section covers the nuts and bolts of the operation, including all revenue streams (product sales, advertising, services, licensing) and cost structure (salaries, rent, inventory, maintenance).
  18. Software designed and utilized by ad placement firm Spot Runner enables small- and medium-sized businesses to purchase unsold advertising time on national cable stations at a cost that is a fraction of the published rates.
    广告置入公司 Spot Runner 设计使用的软件使中小型企业只用相当于公布价格零头的花销就能买到全国有线电视台没有卖出的广告时段。
  19. For example, the use of the word bulk of the first and second in the ads, Yahoo charges 16 percent higher than Google, but Google's search results page to sort lower position higher fees, for example, the fourth position than the cost of advertising on Yahoo!
  20. Advertising campaigns cost a lot of time and money, and campaigns that are not doing well need to either be changed or scraped.

advertising cost 单语例句

  1. A substantial portion of that cost usually goes to advertising to raise consumer recognition of the products and the company that stands behind them.
  2. Selling advertising space could cover around half of this cost, according to Friends of Nature.
  3. Many enterprises choose to launch cinema advertising because of its low cost and unique communication effect.

advertising cost

[网络] 广告费;广告成本;广告费用
advertising cost


fee: 指上学、求医以及找律师等付的费用,还可指会费、借书费等。
expense: 常指实际支付的费用总数额,有时也指钱的花费。
price: 指商品在市场出售的价格,尤指卖方对商品所提出的单价。比喻意义指付出的代价。
charge: 指提供服务时索取的费用,也指货物的价格、价钱。
fare: 侧重指旅行时所付的车、船费等费用。
cost: 指生产某东西的成本,也泛指商品的价格,可与price换用。

take: 物做主语,花时间;
pay: 人做主语,花钱,pay for;
cost: 物做主语,花钱
spend: 人做主语,花钱,花时间; spend…on sth./in doing sth;

take: 普通用词,指需要占用空间、时间或精力等,其主语可以是人,也可以是一件事情。
expend: 较正式用词,通常指为某一专门目的而花费大量金钱、时间或精力。
cost: 指花费时间、金钱、劳力等。其主语是物,而不能由人充当,也不用被动形式。
spend: 普通用词,与cost基本同义,但主语必须是人。