Roderick是什么意思 Roderick在线中文翻译


Roderick 网络解释

  1. 罗德里克
    ...亚历山大三世还批准了蒙茹耶(Montjoye)骑士团,后者被一名西班牙人罗德里克(Roderick)伯爵创建于巴勒斯坦(1180年). 这个骑士团很短命,在二十五年之后,日益成长起来的卡拉特拉瓦骑士团便吞并了它. 不过它曾在很短的时期内获得了大量的财富,...
  2. 罗得里克 英国 很有名气;很出名的领导者
    ...Rod 罗德 英国 公路服务者;有名气的. | Roderick 罗得里克 英国 很有名气;很出名的领导者. | Rodney 罗德尼 英国 公路服务者;有名气的,仆人....
  3. 罗得里克
    ...Rod 罗德 | Roderick 罗得里克 | Rodney 罗德尼...
  4. 英国 很有名气;很出名的领导者
    ...Rod 英国 公路服务者;有名气的 | Roderick 英国 很有名气;很出名的领导者 | Rodney 英国 公路服务者;有名气的,仆人...

Roderick 双语例句

  1. Today, Hangzhou, Roderick are still ongoing efforts to continue to develop with the times.
  2. Brande Roderick: Is this all for us?
  3. Gobstopper, 1999, is one of Roderick Buchanan's most playful works.
    Gobstopper》是Roddy Buchanan最有趣的作品之一。
  4. For thirty-one years, John Roderick was the number one reporter on China for The Associated Press.
  5. Let's go upstairs and meet Roderick.
  6. Two old and wealthy brothers, Roderick and Oliver, have made a bet.
  7. The relation between the heroine Roderick and his sister Madeline and the related motives which he buried his sister before her death has been the focus of attention along with the development of the novel.
  8. As many people believe that Usher`s incest between brothers and sisters, Roderick is to shake off the incest guilt before her sister buried alive.
  9. Begich, Manning, Roderick and others believe that democracies need to be founded on openness, rather than the secrecy which surrounds so much military science.
  10. Three dimensional absolute orientation model using the Roderick matrix
  11. The Elements of Romance in Smollett s Roderick Random; Statistical Feature of Friction Coefficient between Anti-Sliding Rubber Sheets and Rubble Mound Foundations and its Influencing Factors
  12. However, Dr Roderick Oner, a clinical psychologist and dream expert, said that this kind of visualisation would be of limited help when it came to interpreting the " complex dream narrative ".
  13. In the short story there is another important character, that is, Madeline, who is the sister of Roderick.
  14. " It's an exciting time for the people of Greenland, " said Greenland Minerals and Energy (ASX: GGG) managing director Roderick McIllree.
  15. In the story The Fall of the House of Usher as the image of Roderick is the most perfect pen-portrait of Poe himself, they have the same intention of narcissistic personality.
  16. Deadly Narcissism of Roderick & A look at the Personality of the Protagonist of The Fall of The House of Usher from Self-Psychological Perspective

Roderick 单语例句

  1. It is no wonder that outgoing Privacy Commissioner Roderick Woo called himself a toothless tiger.
  2. Privacy Commissioner Roderick Woo welcomed the proposals, saying he was happy to see the authority review its information security.
  3. Outgoing Privacy Commissioner Roderick Woo Bun had also suggested earlier that criminal sanctions be included in the law.
  4. Privacy Commissioner Roderick Woo Bun queried whether such a portrayal could be misleading to the public.

Roderick [ˈrɔdərik]

n. 罗德里克(亦作Roderic)(m.)