LF是什么意思 LF在线中文翻译


LF 词典解释

形容词Low Frequency 低频;ledger fclio 分类帐页

LF 网络解释

  1. 低频段
    ...研究表明,人的心率变异功率谱范围约在0~0.4 ms2/Hz,一般将之分为4个频段:①超低频段(ULF):低于0.0033 ms2/Hz;②极低频段(VLF):0.0033~0.04 ms2/Hz;③低频段(LF):0.04~0.15 ms2/Hz,交感神经与迷走神经共同介导,...
  2. 换行
    ...响铃(BEL) 退格(BS) 换页(FF) 换行(LF) 回车(CR) 水平制表(HT) 垂直制表(VT) 反斜杠 问号字符 单引号字符 双引号字符 空字符(NULL) 任意字符 任意字符 字符常量中使用单引号和反斜杠以及字符常量中使用双引号和反斜杠时,...
  3. 低频
    ...站内信件 一、公司介绍 山东华翼微电子技术有限责任公司是一家专注于提供全方位的非接触CPU、RFID硬件解决方 案的高科技公司,公司坐落在济南市高新区,产品系列包括超高频(UHF)/高频(HF)/低 频(LF)电子标签芯片、非接...
  4. 闪电之怒
    ...闪电之怒(Lf):这是ama永不过时的精确的群杀技能,如果不是非要练纯弓,Lf时必须max. 但然,和一些常驻牛关的Lfama不同,我们的pvcAma没有那么多技能点投入lf加成的技能(虽然只有区区1%). 这导致,我们的pvcAma在牛关的效率恐怕比那些地主们低,...
  5. abbr. lowest frequency; 低频
  6. abbr. liver-fibrosis; 肝纤维化
  7. abbr. lighting fixture; 灯具
  8. abbr. logical formulas; 逻辑式

LF 双语例句

  1. Results Both time and frequency domain indexeshad a decreasing trend with the worsening of ventricular arhythmia. There was a weak negative corelation between time domain indexes(SDNN, SDANN, ASDNN or PNN50) and ventricular arhythmia (P.05).The result of logistic regression indicates that SDANN was a protective factor.
    结果 EH者HRV各项时域指标和频域指标中的LF、VLF、HF均较B组显著降低,并有随着VA程度的加重而降低的趋势;时域指标中的SDNN、SDANN、ASDNN、PNN50与VA程度呈弱负相关(P.05);SDANN为EH者VA的保护因素。
  2. LI group and cerebral thrombosis: there are differences in age, hypertension history, diabetes history, fasting blood sugar, cholesterol, triglyceride, low density lipoprotein, fibrinogen, existence of carotid artery plaque or not, type of plaque, plaque scale, stenotic degree of carotid artery.
    二LOgistic逐步回归分析 LI发病的主要影响因素是高血压史和高密度脂蛋白;年龄、胆固醉水平及颈动脉斑块类型是LF脑血栓形成发病的主要影响因素。
  3. The parameters of turnover mechanism of 1LF-335 hydraulic plow are rational.
    41LF-335 液压翻转犁的翻转机构参数设计合理,在发动机处于怠速和额定转速的整个工作范围内,都可以保证犁架可靠翻转,给使用操作带来了方便。
  4. The instantaneous voltage inner loop is used to control output voltage waveform to track a sinusoidal waveform.
  5. This configuration offers the widest frequency response LF is improved as the transformer is looking at a lower resistance than the anode resistance alone, and there is no parallel inductance to limit the LF.
  6. C Input current Ii is constant or main inductor Lf is large enough.
    c 输入现在的 Ii 是授职者 Lf 够大的常数或主要部份。
  7. In fact, decreasing noise sometimes has been a standard for customers to identify joint-ventured brand and self-developped brand. LF620 acknowleges it well.
  8. In th e pro c ess, he en j o y e d him s e lf th o r ou gh ly and kept tell ing ev e ry bod y how much he ha ted hos pi tal s.
  9. Lf you go to a highway at a high speed and the highway is fenced, the trailer brushes against the fence.
  10. Features 240 watts of bi-amped power, UFLC 25mm soft dome HF unit, 200mm LF woofer, separate HF gain control, overall volume control and a 0dB /-3dB /+3dB switch for the LF unit.
    音频配备240W的双路功放,UFLC 25mm的高音单元,200mm的低音单元,分别的高音增益控制和整体音量控制。对低音单元还有0dB/-3dB/+3dB的选择开关。
  11. LF canceled the appearance of the basic converter steel in electric furnace steel and the difference in quality, changing the steelmaking process, iron and steel production process to become an indispensable equipment, almost all large and medium steel mills in China are equipped with ladle refining furnace.
  12. Lf however instead of clean oils tar used, these ofien contain hidh amounts of polyaromatic hydrocarbons, which-as discussed before-are known to be carcinogenic.
  13. Lf I attain great wealth I will remember one unfed mouth.
  14. Terminate any of the said agreements, and generally to dea l with Scottrad e on beha lf of thepartnership without notice to the other partner.
  15. Lf you're making fun of me, l don't like it.
  16. The company's guoss domestic product, the sales lf high-grade engine oil, gearoil, hydraulic oil and industrial fuel. widely used in automobiles, machinery, building materials, electricity and other sectors.
  17. Simple external LF coil and tuning capacitor.
  18. Question. lf you don't know where Leela is, how can you wiretap her?
  19. Lf foreign invested enterprises remit after tax profits abroad, they can be exempted from income tax on profit earnings remitted abroad.
  20. He insisted Brenda assign his case back to herse lf.

LF 单语例句

  1. The Andrew Charles collection is being developed by Music Entertainment Sports Holdings, a division of LF USA in partnership with Star Branding.


[计] 换行, 低频
[医] 絮凝单位, 絮凝限度
n 30 to 300 kilohertz