Jevons是什么意思 Jevons在线中文翻译


Jevons 双语例句

  1. In the 19th century Léon Walras and William Stanley Jevons both started their work with a view to importing the insights of physics into the economic sphere.
    经济学家总是热衷于借鉴自然科学的基本原理。19世纪,莱昂·瓦尔拉(Léon Walras)和威廉·斯担利·杰文斯都开始着眼于将物理学的真知灼见引入经济学领域。20世纪初,伟大的新古典主义经济学家欧文·费雪甚至是在物理学家的指导下撰写的自己的博士论文。
  2. Economists have always been keen to borrow principles from the hard sciences. In the 19th century Léon Walras and William Stanley Jevons both started their work with a view to importing the insights of physics into the economic sphere.
    经济学家总是热衷于借鉴自然科学的基本原理。19世纪,莱昂·瓦尔拉(Léon Walras)和威廉·斯担利·杰文斯都开始着眼于将物理学的真知灼见引入经济学领域。20世纪初,伟大的新古典主义经济学家欧文·费雪甚至是在物理学家的指导下撰写的自己的博士论文。
  3. Make consequently original economics principle and notional get into trouble, among them, be like below a few respects basically: One, pay is degressive law pay is degressive law, the earliest Thoms Malthus put forward 1798, be in later 19 centuries 70 time Jevons, Mengeer with Waerlasi 3 people put forward limit effectiveness at the same time almost degressive principle, founded limit effectiveness axiology.
  4. Jevons wrote the General Mathematical Theory of Political Economy in1862, providing a rough outline for use of the theory of marginal utility in political economy.
  5. Jevons also made celebrated contributions to the problems of index numbers.
  6. The Jevons shadow can we get rid of it?
  7. This influence is mainly reflected by John Stuart Mill, Jevons, Irving Fisher who inherited and developed the economic philosophy of Jeremy Bentham. Their economic philosophy have both connections and differences.

Jevons ['dʒevәnz]

杰文斯(①姓氏 ②William Stanley , 1835-1882, 英国经济学家和逻辑学家)
n English economist and logician who contributed to the development of the theory of marginal utility (1835-1882)