Eumenides是什么意思 Eumenides在线中文翻译

Eumenides 英 [ju:ˈmenidi:z] 美 [ju:ˈmenidi:z]

Eumenides 网络解释

  1. 复仇三女神
    ...Clotho 命运女神之一,执掌织生命之线 | Eumenides 复仇三女神 | Furies 复仇女神...

Eumenides 双语例句

  1. It is the belief in the terrible, unknown night of Fate and in the Eumenides of the departed spirit: the former is pure negativity in the form of universality, the latter the same negativity in the form of individuality.
  2. In the Eumenides, Athena convenes a trial for Orestes, in which Apollo and the Furies argue against each other as to whether Orestes should pay for his crimes with death.
  3. Most of the Eumenides (English: The Blessed Ones) consists of a trial in which the Erynes (English: the Furies) debate with Apollo about the guilt of Orestes.
    在《佑护神》(Eumenides,英文为The Blessed Ones)中,有段关於复仇三女神(Erynes,英文:the Furies)与阿波罗辩论有关奥瑞斯特斯罪刑的一节。
  4. He had lost the sense of what the Chorus was in the hands of the great masters, say in the Bacchae or the Eumenides. He mistakes, again, the use of that epiphany of a God which is frequent at the end of the single plays of Euripides, and which seems to have been equally so at the end of the trilogies of Aeschylus. Having lost the living tradition, he sees neither the ritual origin nor the dramatic value of these divine epiphanies. He thinks of the convenient gods and abstractions who sometimes spoke the prologues of the New Comedy, and imagines that the God appears in order to unravel the plot. As a matter of fact, in one play which he often quotes, the _Iphigenia Taurica_, the plot is actually distorted at the very end in order to give an opportunity for the epiphany.
  5. Aeschylus made them the terrifying chorus of his tragedy Eumenides, and Euripides was the first to speak of them as three in number.

Eumenides [ju:'menidi:z]

[复]n.[希神] [罗神] 欧墨尼得斯( 即 Erinyes 或Furies)
n (classical mythology) the hideous snake-haired monsters (usually three in number) who pursued unpunished criminals